
GlobalX is an emerging tech leader with a vision is to drive a more diverse, inclusive and competitive digital economy with a focus on emerging technologies, that opens up equal opportunities for all.

Our mission is to "Make Innovations Happen".

Our main purpose is to use technology to provide solutions for businesses and for social impact.

GlobalX provides opportunities for children, youth, developers & entrepreneurs/businesses to learn, innovate, and scale up their knowledge in hardware and emerging technologies.

Our core business is to provide consulting,advisory and training services in AI, IOT, Blockchain, Coding and Robotics and other emerging technologies, which are at the core of
the Fourth Industrial Revolution


to provide STEAM Education learning opportunities, Think-Tank
and advisory services with a focus on emerging tech.

On a secondary basis we provide linkages between innovators and investors through our work.

GlobalX feeds into the innovation pipeline by closing the skills, funding and organisational/corporate digital transformation and innovation gaps.

GlobalX- Revolutionizing STEAM Education, Entrepreneurship,Technology & Innovation



Contact Information

+254 (764) 197-560
Contact Information

+254 (764) 197-560
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COVID-19 has set a precedence for online learning. To maximize teacher/student potential, we propose to establish 'Robotics, Electronics & Arduino  STEM Tinkering and Innovation Virtual Labs', powered by EdgeFX, Discovery Education and MIT Labs! This is for Grades 5-12. We have a special offer for a limited time promotion.

We also have DIY Multidisciplinary Hardware Design and Prototyping Virtual Labs most suitable for project work, research and innovation. This is for colleges and universities offering engineering courses.
Broad Categories: Industrial Automation, Smart Devices, Smart Cities, Home Automation, Energy Saving, Robotics, Renewable energy, Health Management, Transportation and Communication, Security Management, Concepts and Fundamentals.
Amongst others!

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GlobalX Innovation Labs